You and Me ❤,
caught in th Bad Romance
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
WAD'S WRONG WITH ME ?! AM II LIKE CRAZY ?! WHY AM II SAYINGG THINGS DAT II DUN MEAN IT AT ALL ?! II GUESS IM GONNA REGRET WAD II'VE SAID TODAY. II'VE JUS HURT HIM AS DEEP AS HE DID.. WHY CANT II LIKE JUS SHUT MY MOUTH ? WHY AM II SO FUCKING STUBBORN ?! budd.. havingg dat scene imaginatedd over and over again in my mind is really painful ? to th extent dat ii cann no longer control myself to hold back my tears. dun feel like stayingg in office anymore.. jus feel like havingg him in my arms right now.. GOD DAMN IT! wadd should ii do now ? silence is wad left in that chatbox... brainwash me! or can ii jus get knock down by a car andd suffer from wadever it is called whereby ii can jus forget everythingg which ii dunn wann to rmb.. ? im sorry. dat's somethingg ii have learn how to say to him .. labels : there's no turning back already, ii guess.. I want your love @ 3:40 PM
Friday, January 02, 2009
okay ! im back ! hahas.. Christmas andd New Year week is so busyy lahhs. cant remember wadd ii did exactly liaos.. hmmm. went to meet up with honey on th eve as iim working until 12.20 dat day .. budd im still late. =x went back to changedd den out to meet up with th 3Ms. (mary ; maria ; madam ). for dinner. -Pastamania. proceed to boat quay to meet up with aaron kor andd friends while th 3 of them going for countdown at marina bay. my blurr darlingg told them th wrong direction andd made me laugh til ii drop. endd up, they took th train back andd made our way down to respective places in th same direction. LOL . waitedd for kor and gang for quite long andd settle down with our small small tables with big big group. LOL . really too many ppl dat day liaos. cos we were nt told, so, baby andd ii jus see how they sabotage ppl by exchangingg their gifts. we had 3 martels, 1 towel and 1 jug of beer. baby's and my mission cleared! cos except for us, all of them were a lil bit tipsy. LOL . home at aroundd 4 plus. vomittedd cos ii forget to ask th uncle to windd down a bit of th window. ROAR~! baby attendd to me all th way though he was like so tiredd lahs. woke up at dunno wadd time. feelingg so hungry. noisy baby up. thinkk we went back to slp again after dat. didnt go out on weekendd , firstly, cos we need some rest. andd we were like broke liaos. LOL . baby came down to meet up with me andd qin for dinner after work on mondayy. den came down again to meet up with serene they all andd ii after work again, on tuesday. poor darling! (: half day again on wed. budd have to rush home , bathe , go to inter andd buy th SEASONSpeachtea for nightime drinking session at serene's house. so, ii went to take cab after ii came out from SHENGSIONG. carryingg dat 6 bottles of drinks cause me muscles ache th next day lahhs . cabb down to THOMSONroad with serene andd huitingg. while waitingg for ahLING, tarren andd ahSE to come, dat serene starts to camwhore. baby reach aroundd 6 denn followedd by ahBAO andd BINGrong. ii dint really eat much lehs. budd all of them were like tellingg me to stop and go off liaos, cos they're too full. so ii endd my dinner with some chocolate apple. sorry! ii didnt take pics for th steam boat. cos ii was too busy eatingg. LOL . bus to PLAZAsingg andd have a walk . they catch their bear bear , as usual . baby andd ii walk aroundd to see them play lorr. saw my girlfrienddXUEMEII and her sis before going off . catch up with her a bit. andd ii told her to meet me up soon for some catchingg up session. bus back to bedok denn back to serene 's house. was feeling hungry already, so ahBAO;BR;baby andd ii went to nearby kopiTIAM to buy food andd ice. after dat, ahLING;tarren;baby andd ii playedd majong while waitingg for serene to knock off. ii won, budd baby lost. so, endd up, lose also . LOL . drinkingg session start aroundd 3 plus? budd th games they playedd are really quite fun . LOL . home at aroundd 4.30. left my phone there, so, baby pass me his phone lorr. it seems like im msgingg to myself . hahas . went back in th morningg when baby gave me a 29 missedd call. hahas. hadd mac breakfast andd rest. too tiredd to go to sentosa for th underWATERworld event already. went for dinner at 6 pm . denn watch teebie. cabb home at 10 plus. ? hahas. friday , which means today, will be meetingg honeyy for dinner. denn tmr, will meet up with baby andd accompany him to cut hair. denn dunno go whr. maybe to shopping ? dunno.. denn will be meeting geraldine on sunday morningg for nasiLEMAKsession. denn meet up with baby again! (: lookingg forwardd to our GENTINGGtrip. though its in march, budd time pass very fast derr nahhs . andd gotta save up as much as possible to lighten his burden. im so useless! haiss.! sometimes, ii jus feel dat ii've gave him too much trouble.. haiss. budd he'll never complain.. im startingg to wonder, wadd can ii give him... pictures will be updatedd when im free at home. cos im in office blogging again . LOL . && HAPPY YEAR 2009 EVERYONE! hopingg everythingg will go on smoothly for everyone out there. year 2009 = a new year for us. ii knw dat ii dunn need anythingg else except for you. we shall throw everythingg behindd andd start all over again. && ii guess, this gonna be th last.... with loves,, ba0bEii. labels : 我真的能错了也不退后吗? I want your love @ 10:59 AM
♥That Bitch♥ ![]() ![]() * shiya;yaya;sylvia * * chinese;thai;nonya lady * * 23/10/90 * * scorpio * * 20 this year * * * * love or hate me ; * you decide your fate * ♥yesssss / nooooo♥ `- herLOVES ` * FUN&LAUGHTER * * her precious * * dancingg * * singingg~ * * mahjong-ing * * pink;red;white;black * ♥ hello kitty & BJW ♥ `- herHATES ` * hypocrites * * fu-kers * * being forced / maligned * * heartaches from love * `- herWANTS ` * go TRAVELLING * * my car license * * a room of my own * * hello kitty 's bed sheet * * hello kitty's mahjong tiles * * good digital camera * * new phone * ♥upcoming event♥ * * * * * * ♥ * * * * 12dec - salon appt * ♥ 18dec - Jacq&Josh's ROM ♥ ♥ 24dec - 平安夜 ♥ * 25dec - Merry Christmas! * * 27;28;29dec - KL * ♥ 30dec - 20th ♥ * 31dec - countdown to a Brand New Year! * ♥Speak Your Mind♥ ♥Run-Awayyy♥ ♥♥♥msTAN;RACHEL.t.h.s ♥♥♥peggWIFEY ♥♥♥NJY ;; sist ♥♥♥geraldine~ ♥♥♥Jolene~ ♥♥♥weiqin ;; meimei ♥♥♥sis` sasa ♥♥♥GARYdidi-th-joker ♥♥` xuemeii ♥♥daisyy. ♥♥xiupingg ♥xueryl ♥♥ba0liann ;; nu`er ♥shu.en ♥vanessa ♥yongg xingg ♥glenn jevonne joe.k vincent guan dorothyy~ eLim FORD - maine - huiwenn huizhenn;porkkchopp Janalle; meii jacinta kaiLINGG rox shiweii =p ♥th Sweet & Ugly♥ February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 April 2011 ♥th freaking truth♥ |
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