You and Me ❤,
caught in th Bad Romance
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
ok. bored. andd i'm here again.! my dearest is on his way home.! and i'm so sad. ii cant even miit him up when i'm super free at home,, rotting.! Sad. SAd. SAD.! feeling so SAD the moment he called and say, :"pang kang lo" ! my silliest boyfriendd ever.! he's forever dat cute.! *&^%$#@!~ ii really feel like going out nahhs. serene andd gang jio me out for some mooncakes, lantern, candles, and sparkles session cann.? ohmygod! i'm rottingggggggggggggggggggggggg~~ okay. let's have some excitingg event... ... ermm... nothing.! alright, ii shall countdown to my birthday celebration, which will be on 22.10.07 twenty7 days to go. (: loves. `- ii'm addictedd to uu.! I want your love @ 8:21 AM
fuckingg hell. damn pek chek with my mum. now is my holidayy. andd ii gotta work.! wadd the hell is dat?!! work to support my expenses andd everythingg..? ii cann choose not to work andd spendd all the moneyy in this cheebye family.. denn wad's the point of them telling me to put studies in the first priority..?! ii reall cant standd it anymore.. i'm not going to tell her dat i'll accompany her to go out and everythingg anymore.. she's getting from bad to worse.. start to nagg the moment ii wake up.. asking me to fold clothes which were supposedd to be fold last two days.. ii've been like folding clothes everytime ii work lorr.. and its supposedd to be her job.! cannt handle, denn leave lahhs.! everytime complain saying dat this family is a burden to her and stuff..! its none of our fault dat she choose to stay wadd.. we didnt begg her to also..! moreover, we're all so old already, most of the time still treat us like little kids.. ii really regret taking off today jus because she wants to go out.! jus because ii check my mail for a while,, den she say ii trying to waste HER time. in the end,, she cancel everythingg.! well,, denn she can jus stay at this bloody house and do her chores and everythingg. denn how abt me? denn jus now,, whenn i'm going out,, she like say,, ask me to stay home..! ii gotta stay at home oso? FOR FUCK?! i'll be workingg on wed to sat lehs.. ii got no time for HER to WASTE! not because of i'm still studyingg, ii wont be here bloggingg now.! KNN~ damn du lan with her, plus i'm having my every-month-thingy.! si bei pek chek with her.. ii wonder if she's having hers as well. no no no! think she's having her menopause already.! FUCKING HELL! how ii wish i'm workingg now.. after dat still cann miit up with darlingg..! wadd a suay mooncake festival.! now its like only 3. wadd am ii going to do for the rest of the dayy?!! CCB~ ii'm not going to talk to her for the rest of the dayys.! hengg ii still got DVD. or else i'll go crazy lahhs.! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR~~ argh.! enuf of her.. or else my com will go haywire also.! LOL~ anywayy.. darlingg andd ii were on off last saturday andd sunday. both of us like nua at home lorr.. andd time jus pass so fast with him aroundd.! HAISS~ denn on monday, which is yesterdayy. he went to take his exam, M5 at suntec. haiyo.. he jus fail by 1 to 14 marks lahhs. while kunhua pass.. noob lehs! budd he'll be takingg on wed tmr again. i'm sure he'll be able to make it. :) after which, he went back to office, while ii went to miit up with my usual khakis, weiqin and gang. went to slack a while. darlingg called me up at aroundd 4 plus. denn miit him up at bedok interchange. went back home to change while he, kevin and weiqin waited for me behindd my blockk. after which,, kevin and qin went home. while me andd darlingg went to chinese garden. the first place we went whenn we reached there was the pagoda. ohmygod! we climb all the way up jus for the scenery. budd its still worth. :) after dat,, walk the whole place andd kua kua lorr. took some funny pics. LOL. will ask darlingg to send me those pics asap.! :) andd he was forcedd to take lantern with me. :) he somehow revenge by asking me to take a balloon from chinese garden back home. :( budd overall,, the lanterns over there like average average nia. rated: 60/100 somehow,, ii still enjoy cos darlingg was there.! :)) all right,, thinkk ii going watch DVD liaos. loves`- i'm going to go thru up and downs, lefts and rights, with uu, jus uu.! I want your love @ 6:20 AM
Friday, September 14, 2007
hohoho~ woke up late today,, finally! no work,, no school for me today.. budd darlingg have to go for lesson.. will be meeting him after his work.. 6 months andd still counting on.. andd it jus pass in a blink of my eye.. andd we're still as sweet as before.. weets! the key of smooth relationship... respect,, understandingg,, compromise,, discussion whenever there's a need,, never to be self-centered,, never take each other for granted,, never o be harsh on words especially when quarreling or arguingg,, sayy "thankyou" and "sorry" when there's a need... ... ii know its alot.. budd love is what makes uu a better person.. ii wont be able to sayy all these stuffs in the past relationships.. okok~~ ii dunn feel like blogging much.. cos ii wanna let uu guys to feel it,, not see it... ... ![]() darlingg,, uu're the one who made me found out dat ii cann still smile when thing goes so wrong in my life.. ii really appreciate all the things uu've done for me.. its really wayy too much.. =) if ii were in hell andd uu were in heaven,, i'd always look up and be proud of uu. budd,, if ii were in heaven andd uu were in hell,, i'd ask God to send me down,, because heaven isnt heaven without uu.. it take three seconds to sayy "I Love You",, threee hours to explain it,, andd a lifetime to prove it.. happy 6th month anni, my dear... x33 with loads of LOVES` I want your love @ 3:56 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
BORED! todayy was my BFD exam.. agar agar do de lehs.. haiyo!! dunno how sia.. shouldnt have skip so many lessons.. if ii hengg hengg pass this module,, ii confirm work super hard.. nearly cant wake up today.. budd still force myself up today,, like wadd ii told darlingg.. ii gotta work hard andd get my bloody cert out,, for him.. =D this week cant really meet him lerr.. T.T todayy andd tmr off.. budd darlingg have to work.. denn wed,, both of us workingg.. thursday's our 6 months anni wors.. dunn really know where to go.. budd it doesnt matter oso.. anywayys,, ii dunn have to work on that dayy.. so,, jus wait for darlingg to finish workk,, denn cann go out lerr.. =P fridayy andd sat,, both of us will be workingg again lahhs.. ii full shift on sat some more lehs.. sadded!! andd sunday from morning to 6PM.. SEE SEE SEE!! how to survive like dat???!! T.T ii know i'm gonna miss him like shit.. andd hope dat he'll too.. =] dunn really have much thinggs to blogg abt.. came here jus because i'm afraid dat ii wont be able to blogg these few days.. anywayy,, darlingg will be coming to miit me up at Tampines with mummy after his work.. hope he'll finish early.. =) i'll be going to Suntec with JR andd Eden tmr,, for audition.. Eden ask me to go alongg for some short shoot for Teenage stuffs.. dunno wad is it oso.. so,, decided to check it out with them.. maybe will get the chance to miit another type of ppl,, andd gain different;;new experience.. oh.. thinkk ii should go get some rest.. going do mask.. aii swee.. =P ii dunn only wann uu in my life;; ii niid uu 你的每个呼吸都让我心动 你的一颦一笑都让我感动 远方的你可知我在想你 不管有多少时空阻隔我都不停息 你对我说今生若不能一起 我愿意开始等你直到我们永不分离 你知道我爱你真心真意 你知道我永远都不放弃 这人世间纷纷扰扰 只有你值得我去珍惜 ~*iiLOVEuu*~ I want your love @ 6:32 AM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
OH GOD! i'm here to blogg at this time? hehes.. cos tmr is a off day for me.. budd wont be able to miit up with darling until 6 PM!! budd its ok lahhs.. i'm going to the hair salon,, VERNICA,, at aroundd 11 plus? cos darling said dat he'll be miiting me for breakfast? lunch? before going to office.. =) after dat? planning to watch movie.. its been years since we watched movie.. LOL normally,, couples love to watch movies,, budd the receipts of us going to KTV is dunno how many times than the number of movie tixs.. =p anywayys,, kunhua andd yulin will be joining us,, maybe .. not very sure if they are comfortable going out with darlingg andd ii. cos ii doubt many people will be as crazy as us.. x3 darlingg have been going to every part of Singapore to fetch me from workk even after his tired day at work.. *touched* thanks darlingg.. no matter wadd happen,, how bad things are.. i'll be there for uu,, like ii always do.. HUGGS!! x333 will be workingg on this coming sunday.. budd darlingg,, OFF!! GRRR.. jus like today lahhs.. it seems like our time dun really match.. HAIYO! budd still ok lahhs.. at least we're willing to make time for each other.. so,, its either ii go look for him after my work.. or the other way roundd.. =)) hmmmm.. wadd shouldd ii talk abt now? it seems like ii only have got him to talk abt.. hahas.. anywayy,, ii really enjoy life now.. ii have got support from everyone ii love.. OH MAN!!~~ wadd a fortunate girl.. ii'm gonna treasure wadd ii have.. budd,, still a bit stressed up abt my studies.. budd ii've decided to finish my studies andd get dat bloody certificate out,, for my future.. P.S:: my future includingg him.. =X mummy told me dat she andd daddy really hope dat i'll be guai guai~~ like,, study,, denn get a stable job after dat,, jus a simple life dat everyone wishes lahhs.. very hard to explain.. HAIYO~~!! it seems like the 2 elder bro doesnt know how to appreciate wadd they have.. andd worse still,, one of them actually forget who are the ones helping him to pull thru everythingg before he gets a stable job.. he's jus a FUCKER lahhs. talking abt him makes me super mad!! sometimes,, ii jus wish dat ii have got no relationship with uu.! alright alright! CHILL MAN! my eyes like going to close lerr lehs.. budd darlingg ask me not to slp early wors.. ii shall wait for his call.. anyway,, he seldom go for his lil "gathering" derr lahhs.. jus dunn wann disturbb him.. oh well,, thinkk ii should end here lerr.. shall update whenn i'm free.. loves` without uu,, my life wont be complete.. without uu,, miracles wouldnt have happen.. without uu,, ii wont know life can be so beautiful,, like now.. thanks for every single stuffs uu've done,, to change my lil world.. uu're my everythingg,, andd i'm gonna love uu with every beat of my heart.. darlingg;; iiLOVEuu,, more than words.. I want your love @ 4:58 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
To MYsuperBOY;; thanks darlingg.. your care, your understandingg, your love andd everythingg.. they really make me a better person.. ii know ii shouldnt vent my anger on uu.. sometimes,, ii seriously know wadd uu're thinkingg.. andd most importantly,, ii know who uu're doing stuffs for.. budd my stubborness andd feelinggs seem to be controllingg me.. on the other handd,, ii know ii should be understandingg towards uu,, bud... ... P.S:: ii really miss uu like hell~~ HAI.. anyway,, i'm really glad dat mummy respect my choice andd uu're showingg to everyone dat my choice is right.. andd F.Y.I :: ii wont bear to throw ur heart away de lahhs..! budd since uu insist dat uu wanna be with me,, denn ii shall lock up your heart with mine andd throw the key away ya? its dat alright with uu? wo ye zhenn de hao aii nii. x33 ** ii chose to love uu more than anythingg else ** 不管有多少真心多少爱被错过 有了你我已经别无所求 用半生紧紧相守换取承诺 什么话都不必再说 总以为曾经付出曾被爱伤害过 这世上只有我对爱执着 直到我慢慢感受你的温柔 才了解 今生注定与你相守 Love isnt lookingg for someone whom uu cann live with;; budd someone whom uu cant live without;; jus like me andd uu.! your dearest;; ba0bEii. I want your love @ 1:28 AM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
okok~ ii know ii hvae not been updatingg.. have been super busyy with workk.. ii've changedd my part-time job AGAIN! hahas.. i'm currently workingg at Giordano Junior..OMG! there's so many to remember.. so many guildlines to a bit stress up.. plus,, there will be monthly audit to test us suddenly derr lehs..still got wadd mission shopper! like stress lahhs.. **ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH** .. budd ii still like this job lehs.. dunno whyy.. SIAO CHAR BOR! have been workingg at Suntec,, AGAIN.. LOL~ andd Paragon twice.. andd this omingg wednesdayy,, which is tmr,, will be workingg at Chinatown;; OG Main.. GOD! dunn even know how to go lorr.. haiyo! *stupidd me* didnt go school today,, again! haiss.. ii wonder how ii pass my exam lahhs.. oh WHATEVER~~ ii jus dunn like studyingg lahhs.. hmmm.. dunno Geraldine come back from HongKong alreadyy not.. haiyo!~ darlingg start work at Prudential yesterday lerr.. haiss.. somehow,, dunn really wann him to work over there derr.. cos like not much time together lerr lorr.. T.T budd like wadd ii said,, i'll respect his decisions andd will be supportingg him all the way.. *stuck* cos ii feel like cryingg.. thinkk this period of time will be super "painful".. i'm also super worried abt him wors.. i'm afraid dat he wont get use to it.. like how lahhs?! haiss.. budd no matter wadd,, i'm still gonna be strongg,, for him.! JIA YOU JIA YOU! anyways,, exam comingg lerr.. gotta really sit down andd studyy lerr.. sometimes,, my butt jus dunn the stickingg to the chair.. LOL~ thinkk after exam,, wanna change blogskin lerr.. darlingg andd meimei derr blog like so nice.. LOL~ QINYII;; GREAT JOB DONE!! x3 recently,, quite alot of stuffs.. ii dunn thinkk i'll remember every piece of them.. P.S:: STM! anyway,, i'll be bringing meimei to buy her prom dress.. =)) so,, must work work work! alrights! ii gotta go mum mum denn pom pom lerr,, will be going out with mummy later.. denn darlingg says dat if he finish early today,, he'll come over.. miss him loads lahhs..! x33 ![]() I want your love @ 3:00 AM
♥That Bitch♥ ![]() ![]() * shiya;yaya;sylvia * * chinese;thai;nonya lady * * 23/10/90 * * scorpio * * 20 this year * * * * love or hate me ; * you decide your fate * ♥yesssss / nooooo♥ `- herLOVES ` * FUN&LAUGHTER * * her precious * * dancingg * * singingg~ * * mahjong-ing * * pink;red;white;black * ♥ hello kitty & BJW ♥ `- herHATES ` * hypocrites * * fu-kers * * being forced / maligned * * heartaches from love * `- herWANTS ` * go TRAVELLING * * my car license * * a room of my own * * hello kitty 's bed sheet * * hello kitty's mahjong tiles * * good digital camera * * new phone * ♥upcoming event♥ * * * * * * ♥ * * * * 12dec - salon appt * ♥ 18dec - Jacq&Josh's ROM ♥ ♥ 24dec - 平安夜 ♥ * 25dec - Merry Christmas! * * 27;28;29dec - KL * ♥ 30dec - 20th ♥ * 31dec - countdown to a Brand New Year! * ♥Speak Your Mind♥ ♥Run-Awayyy♥ ♥♥♥msTAN;RACHEL.t.h.s ♥♥♥peggWIFEY ♥♥♥NJY ;; sist ♥♥♥geraldine~ ♥♥♥Jolene~ ♥♥♥weiqin ;; meimei ♥♥♥sis` sasa ♥♥♥GARYdidi-th-joker ♥♥` xuemeii ♥♥daisyy. ♥♥xiupingg ♥xueryl ♥♥ba0liann ;; nu`er ♥shu.en ♥vanessa ♥yongg xingg ♥glenn jevonne joe.k vincent guan dorothyy~ eLim FORD - maine - huiwenn huizhenn;porkkchopp Janalle; meii jacinta kaiLINGG rox shiweii =p ♥th Sweet & Ugly♥ February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 April 2011 ♥th freaking truth♥ |
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