You and Me ❤,
caught in th Bad Romance
Thursday, July 26, 2007
oh wad the fu*k! i'm feeling so down,, down,, down!! ii duno wadd to sayy.. budd jus feel like blogging.. it only seems like blogger is the only one ii cann talk to.. although it wont respondd.. at least its willingg to listenn.! SIGH~~ i'm feelingg so stressed up now.. work;;study;;project;;those fucked up idiots who kiip giving me problems.. i shan't mention abt relationship.. bcos ii jus feel dat its not the time to sayy anythingg abt it for the moment.. if ii really do,, ii dunno wadd shityy stuffs ii would sayy.. jus feel dat my life is totally in a mess now.. andd ii really dunn feel like talkingg to anyone except for him.. ii jus realisedd dat he wont be always there for me whenever ii niid him.. therefore,, ii promisedd myself dat ii gotta get use to it.. ok.. suddenly loss of words.. ermmm.. denn wadd shouldd ii do now? HAISS! 好像再也没有人会听我说心事了.. budd sometimes,, ii really duno wad andd how to sayy.. *SADDED* ii really feel like giving up.. EVERYTHINGG! first time feeling so lost! wadd if ii really cant take it one dayy? will everythingg come to an endd?! FOR GOODNESS SAKE! *lost;;losT;;loST;;lOST;;LOST* alright.. ii dunn wanna continue anymore.. its time to have some time alone..! let's hope everythingg will be fine.. 我到底应该相信梦里那个残酷的你;; 还是我身边那个温柔的你? 我不想知道你的世界是否还有别人的影子;; 只要有我,, 就足够了.. I want your love @ 5:03 PM
boredd boredd boredd! now having OFA lesson.. talkkingg to darling on phone.. he's on his wayy to workk.. later will be going to meet darlingg up at aroundd 2.. miss him so much.. hahas..! didnt meey him on mondayy which ii normally will.. cos gotta workk.. haiss.. denn he oso went to work at night.. haiyo.. must be very tiredd to work in the morning to eveningg.. denn at night as well.. denn tuesdayy,, which is yesterdayy,, ii oso workingg.. SADDED! was so tiredd whenn ii reachedd home.. budd still manage to talk to him for almost an hour.. denn KO after hanging up.. wahahas.. hmmm.. after todayy,, ii thinkk ii wont be able to meet him until sunday liaos.. haiyo.. tmr gotta studyy till 5.. maybe cann pondenn a bit bit.. budd not to meet him.. gotta go home early to finish up my LSM project.. denn will be workingg again on Fridayy andd Saturdayy.. MY GOD! myy actual roleplayy will be on this comingg Fridayy.. a bit stressed up.. cos my group memebers dunn seem to be cooperatingg.. HAIS! keep playingg their stupid PSP.. HAIYO~~ so so so... ii cann only meet darlingg on Sundayy!!!! ARGHhhhh~~~ POOR ME~! lalalas.. budd after this week,, ii wont be so busy anymore.. hope darlingg will be free too huh? wahahas.. first week of the month comingg lo..~ YES YES YES! shoppingg time,, again! hahas.. budd gotta save some money for rainy dayys.. ii've learnt my lessons.. hahas.. every end of the month confirm eat grass.. wahahas.. sians lahhs!! darlingg workingg now.. lalalas~~ ii really got nothingg to blogg lehs.. budd ii dunno why ii jus cant stop typingg now.. hahas.. too stress liaos.. (talkingg cock again) all right all right! ii thinkk ii should stop liaos.. going for break in half an hour time.. budd we gotta practise our role playy for Fridayy.. oh ya! SUBWAY is nice!!~~ wahahas.. your promise ;; my motivation LOVES` I want your love @ 2:48 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
i'm here i'm here! hahas.. actually got nth much to blogg abt today.. budd jus feel like blogging.. =.=''' went to look for darlingg in the morningg.. went to had our breakfast at around 11 plus.. PS: he went to the bus stop with an umbrella to fetch me.. =p went back home to nua as usual,, budd both of us fell aslp til 4 plus.. hahas.. went to Sheng Song nearby.. actually its quite far lahhs.. budd with him aroundd,, its not anymore.. =D bought rubbish there to bring back home to bite after dinner.. OMG! the cheesecake which he took is nice lahhs.. budd his sister said the other one wasnt nice which was choosen by me lahhs!!!!! hahas.. went to watch tv in his sis's room.. wantedd to watch channel u derr nahhs.. budd his dad wasnt watchingg.. haiyo! denn foundd out dat today's his mama's birthdayy.. andd she bought her cake herself!! feelingg a bit sad lehs.. budd wadd to do..? ii shall buy a cake for her next year.. =D all right,, i shall endd here.. gotta call darlingg.. loves` **我到底是在什么时候开始喜欢上你的** I want your love @ 3:12 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
每当在回家的路上,, 都会很想放声大哭.. 有时还会想任性的不想回家.. budd ii know if ii really do,, this relationship wont be so smooth nahhs,, cos of my parents.. 所以只好依依不舍地转身离去.. 因为他那伤心的脸,, 让我看了好心痛.. ii dunn mindd travellingg long distances just to see him,, ii just feel worth it.. even if this gonna continue for a few years,, it doesnt matter at all.. 因为我知道无论距离多远,, 我们的心还是一样的贴近.. i'm gonna workk hardd towards our future.. (OMG! ii know sometimes ii just cant get up in time for school. =x) budd no matter wadd,, u're my only motvation.. 我在等,, 超耐心地等.. 等待那一天,, 我穿着最漂亮的礼服,, 挽着你的手,, 走向属于我们两个人的世界.. awww.. woke up at 7.30 this morningg.. so so so tiredd! feel like slpingg now lahhs.. HAIYO! went to Bedok Green's back gate to miit weiqin they all up.. denn CheeHo drop me at my school gate when he's on the wayy to camp.. BFD test todayy,, still can manage lahhs.. budd still feel a bit stressed up.. OMG~~~~ hope ii cann pass this time..! left school at 12 plus 1 today.. andd CheeHo came to lompangg me again.. went to 88 had our lunchh denn back to Bedok Green again.. hahas.. chatted with them for a while andd reachedd home before 3 pm.. cos ii promisedd darlingg dat i'll be going home at aroundd 2 plus 3.. =p mummy's at home todayy.. feelingg a bit weirdd.. cos very longg didnt stay at home andd peii her liaos.. hmmm.. missingg darlingg so so so muchh! he's onthe wayy to his last outlet todayy.. guess he'll be slpingg on the train.. he really soundds veryy tiredd.. i'm feeling so guiltyy.. every night accompany me talk till so late.. denn he gotta wake up so early for workk.. will be workingg this fridayy,, maybe on saturday too.. dependds on him norr.. if he's gonna go back work on sat,, denn i'll oso be workingg instead of sundayy.. =) hmmm.. we went to HawParVilla on Sundayy.. took so many photos.. hehe.. gonna upload them whenn darlingg send to me thru com.. andd went to singg k after dat.. with Sakura buffet.. the food quite nice lahhs.. slightly better than ii expectedd.. OMG! cant smoke in k-box anymore! so sad! budd ii foundd some k-box with smokingg room derr.. budd jus gotta wait for them to "activate".. =P all right..! ii thinkk ii shouldd endd here.. going watchh tv with mummy,, meanwhile,, wait for darlingg to msg me.. =) Loves.. I want your love @ 3:33 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
we were given two handds to holdd;; two legs to walk;; two eyes to see;; two ears to listen;; budd whyy only one heart? was givenn to someone;; for us to findd... I want your love @ 4:52 PM
went to look for darlingg today,, halfway thru my team-buildingg programme.. hahas.. actually it wasnt dat bad after all.. had quite alot of fun.. who says dat 13th of Friday is bad?!!? its so beautiful~~ walalas~~ happy happy dayy! nth to sayy lehs.. budd jus feel like bloggingg.. wahahas! becomingg ah siao liaos..! =P hmmm.. 4th month today andd still countingg on... lalalala~~~ 拥有你的我,, 真的好辛福.. 你在我生命最美的时刻,, 说出最美的话语.. 我永远都不会忘记.. ~我爱你;;爱你;爱你;爱你~ I want your love @ 2:54 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
haiss.. cant get to slp.. he seems to be treatingg me so cold.. cold cold cold~~ feelingg so lost andd empty inside.. sometimes,, his words just soundd so hurtingg... ... budd ii jus kept quiet andd give my stupid-est laughter ever.. ii always tot dat nth would happen between us.. really nth.. or cann ii sayy insecure is still somethingg.. i'm startingg to wonder.. am ii the one,, for uu? wouldd we be able to walk hand in hand till the endd? *speechless* ![]() 爱让人喜悦 就算会有变数 越是幸福越害怕 怕它会结束.. 越拥抱 却越是孤独 没人了解的寂寞 我自己照顾 不想让你发现我 凌乱的脚步 我努力跟上你的速度 it would take some time to make a decision,, budd forever to make sure it's a right one.. so baby,, beholdd me tightly in your arms like uu've never done before.. ----------------------------------- **我该做什么才能让你知道 我有多爱你** ----------------------------------- I want your love @ 5:53 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
havingg OFA lesson now.. my holidays just gone like this.. MY GOD!! budd still manage to spendd some time with darlingg.. LOL~ we went to lalala~~ ,, as usual.. went to eat Ajisen Ramen,, Pepper andd Lunch andd shoppingg.. wahahas.. really enjoyingg our life nahhs.. ^^ besides everythingg we've done above,, our lame-ness plays a big part.. HAHAS! sometimes,, ii cant even standd us.. hmmm.. went to had Pepper andd Lunch at Jurongg East,, IMM Buildingg last night.. before dat was at home nua-ingg,, andd helped darlingg dye his "dog's fur" =x after dinner,, went to shop a while where darlingg bought a pair of shoe.. whenn we were on our way to the MRT station,, it startedd to drizzle.. so,, ii decide to take a cabb back home.. so,, darlingg took a "shun feng che" oso.. LOL~ went to draw money and walk to and fro jus for a cab.. by that time,, e rain was quite heavy already wors.. finally got into a cab where ii manage to flag with my short hands.. (inside joke) wahahas.! lompang darlingg home denn headed to bedok.. budd whenn ii was on the PIE,, ii heard darlingg's phone ringingg.. ii was like,, "SHIT LAHHS!!" denn askedd the taxi uncle U-TURN back to darling's place again.. HAIYO! ii really cant standd myself..! ii sometimes really wonderingg,, how he standd my "super-blurr-ness"?!?!.. denn reachedd home with a cab fare,, 33 bucks.. hahas.. lucky darlingg pass me money.. lalalas~~ hmmm.. reachedd home at aroundd 11.30 pm.. went to bathe without on-ing e heater.. den end up,, gotta bathe with super cold water.. BRRR~~ oh ya! anywayy.. darlingg got influencedd by me.. he's startingg to wear contact lens.. hahas.. went to Gek Poh on sat to buy 3 pairs of lens,, 2 for darlingg,, andd 1 for me.. ii bought a green one.. denn darlingg bought green and true sapphire.. WOOOS!~~ i'll upload the pictures asap.. provided darlingg wont be busy with his dota.. hehes~ all right, i'll stop here.. ii know uu are e one,, andd u'll be e one `` I want your love @ 2:10 AM
♥That Bitch♥ ![]() ![]() * shiya;yaya;sylvia * * chinese;thai;nonya lady * * 23/10/90 * * scorpio * * 20 this year * * * * love or hate me ; * you decide your fate * ♥yesssss / nooooo♥ `- herLOVES ` * FUN&LAUGHTER * * her precious * * dancingg * * singingg~ * * mahjong-ing * * pink;red;white;black * ♥ hello kitty & BJW ♥ `- herHATES ` * hypocrites * * fu-kers * * being forced / maligned * * heartaches from love * `- herWANTS ` * go TRAVELLING * * my car license * * a room of my own * * hello kitty 's bed sheet * * hello kitty's mahjong tiles * * good digital camera * * new phone * ♥upcoming event♥ * * * * * * ♥ * * * * 12dec - salon appt * ♥ 18dec - Jacq&Josh's ROM ♥ ♥ 24dec - 平安夜 ♥ * 25dec - Merry Christmas! * * 27;28;29dec - KL * ♥ 30dec - 20th ♥ * 31dec - countdown to a Brand New Year! * ♥Speak Your Mind♥ ♥Run-Awayyy♥ ♥♥♥msTAN;RACHEL.t.h.s ♥♥♥peggWIFEY ♥♥♥NJY ;; sist ♥♥♥geraldine~ ♥♥♥Jolene~ ♥♥♥weiqin ;; meimei ♥♥♥sis` sasa ♥♥♥GARYdidi-th-joker ♥♥` xuemeii ♥♥daisyy. ♥♥xiupingg ♥xueryl ♥♥ba0liann ;; nu`er ♥shu.en ♥vanessa ♥yongg xingg ♥glenn jevonne joe.k vincent guan dorothyy~ eLim FORD - maine - huiwenn huizhenn;porkkchopp Janalle; meii jacinta kaiLINGG rox shiweii =p ♥th Sweet & Ugly♥ February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 April 2011 ♥th freaking truth♥ |
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