You and Me ❤,
caught in th Bad Romance
Thursday, June 28, 2007
this school holiday is so tiringg.. haiss.. have been workingg at Plaza Singapura since holidays starts.. haiss.. dunn wanna talk muchh.. jus wanna update a bit bit.. reach home early todayy,, meaningg.. never go for supper.. budd darling's slping now!! dunn evn know ii chiongg back for whose sake... HAISS! come back early to talk to the wall lahhs.. damn pek chek! feelingg a bit stress nahhs.. working everyday!! monday to fridayy workingg at BLUEMAX.. denn sat andd sun,, working as darling's gf.! =p thinggs between me andd him are still fine.. so,, ii dunn really have much to talk abt.. going to slp lerr,, nights everybody! with loads of love! I want your love @ 2:40 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
today korkor went Thailandd with his company for business,, wahahas.. so cann play com till late late,, for all ii care.. hahas.. although ii really dislike him lahhs.. budd stil went to bid goodbye early morninggg before he went off.. haiyo.. ii dunn find dat difficult too.. =p today! third day of work.. finally feeling very tired.. wahahas.. went to school at aroundd 10 plus.. denn LSM which is the lesson starting at 10,, cancelled.. denn went to have a puff with korkor.. chatting stuffs abt friendship.. went to work at 1 plus.. chiong at the endd when closingg.. kaos! was so angry lahhs.. if not bcos of me,, they will close such a huge amount of items mehs? PWUI!!!~~ denn ii only late by 20 mins bcos ii had lunch before coming so dat ii can start work immediately.. must dat idiotic supervisor cancel the time ii wrote? from 1300 to 1320???!! denn whenn workingg,, anqi askedd me to serve three coostumers,, bcos they were looking at Taiwann show,, andd she knows nothingg abt it.. denn suddenly,, one of the guy askedd me a stupidd questionn.. "xiaojie,, nii ji dian fang gong?" ii was stunnedd lahhs.. andd askedd him,, "why lehs?" andd he said dat he wanna come fetch me from work.. LOL.. =.= ii gave him a quick reply.. "dunn wryy,, my bf will come fetch me derr." =p he like sian diao.. he like sayy,, "HUH? you got bf lerr arhhs?" ii smile at him andd say,, "yap yap!".. wahahas.~ after dat ii called darling to tell him abt this incident,, he like so wry lahhs.. hahas.. silly guy of MINE! denn ii told him dat i'll give him a call straight after work,, to prevent him not to thinkk too much lo.. 没有人能把我从你的身边抢走,, 因为我是你专属的哦.. =x I want your love @ 2:55 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
uu're my motivation.! hmmm.. yesterday was my secondd dayy at workk.. ii really love this job lots.. holidayy will be starting next week.. i'll be "chiong-ing" .. JIA YOU JIA YOU for tmr will be our 3rd month together yeah? *twist twist* its really fast though.. wahahas.. will be workingg from monday to friday,, full shift.. andd ii thinkk i'll be taking off on sat andd sun for my darlingg.. andd oso,, i've realisedd dat i've have not been meeting some of my love ones.. like,, chewchew,, melody who have jus come back from her long holiday,, serene,, andd etc.. plus their holiday will be endingg in two weeks' time.. so,, must findd some time to meet up with them lo.. =p not forgetting my mummy,, ii think its really time to spendd some time with her.. regardless its shoppingg,, or at home.. gotta "reward" her for her hardd work for this familyy..especially me! =)) ii thinkk ii have to manage my time well yeah? (ii really niid a time-table for this three weeks..) hahas.! lalalas~ now havingg OFA lesson.. hahas.. budd i'm here writingg blogg.. slept till 9 plus 10 today.. its really quite tiringg though.. gotta study andd work at the same time.. andd gotta do closingg after work.. therefore,, i'll only be home aroundd 10.30 to 11 pm. haiyo.. people close to me will be worrying abt me lahhs.. cos if they're with me long enuff,, they'll know dat i'm very weak.. andd i'm those extraordinary weak.! getting enuf rest,, is alreadyy out of my lil world.. so,, must drinkk lots of water,, plain water!!!LOL~ GO BAOBEII GO! sales have been quite good since i'm workingg at bedok lo.. a good start for me.! YEAH! wo yi dingg yao jia you! hubbii,, you're the reason dat night ain't growingg coldd.. i'll love uu till the endd of time.. with every breath of mine,, i'll hold uu by my side.. ::signingg off:: I want your love @ 3:36 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
startedd working todayy at BLUE max. hmmm.. was quite happy with the working environment over there.. at least more relax than the previous one.. thnx for my baby Jolin to intro me this wonderful job.. i'm really enjoying it.! budd on the other handd,, wasnt quite happy with the fact dat i'm only to meet darling once a week.. haiss.. sad Sad SAd SAD! i'm missing him so much right now.. i'm sure dat he's soundd aslp now.. went to meet up with him yesterday,, ii mean saturdayy at Khatib.. bcos he went back to office in the morningg.. denn we took Leslie's van back to his house.. nua until 7 plus in the eveningg denn meet up with serene's at esplanade for dinner. ii tot everythingg were alright with her andd Kelvin.. ii really really didnt expect thinggs to turn out differently! HAISS.. my girl really dunn deserve this type of bf lahhs.. she've changedd so much,, for good.. budd why he treat her so badly..? darlingg did somethingg yesterday to make me feel quite dishearteningg.. budd he promisedd me dat he wont do dat again.. andd ii'm sure dat he will kiip to his words this time.. how sure? ii dunno... =D got a little argument the night before saturday.. budd we're ok lerr lahhs.. ii thinkk its normal lahhs.. so dunn bother to go into it.. =P hmmm.. cant get to slp now.. haiyo! he's gonna kill me if he know dat.. LOL~ alright.! ii thinkk its time to turn in.. if not,, he's going to ... ... lalalalass~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::signingg off:: my heart for you is true,, let no one take that from you... i'm gonna study andd work hardd for OUR future.. I want your love @ 5:42 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2007
ii fuckingg dunno wadd am ii doingg!! ii jus dunn wann to stress him up.. andd ii know i'm makingg everythingg from bad to worse.. i'm sry... ... I want your love @ 3:04 PM
bored!` awww. so boredd.. reachedd home at 5 plus 6 denn went out for a hair cut after my bath.. met up with kevin,, janalle,, biyingg,, andd bryan.. however,, ii wishh darling was there too. =)) he went at aroundd 6 plus 7,, andd he woke up in the morningg!! was quite sad lahhs.. cos ii didnt manage to hear his voice before ii slp.. he's really a pig lahhs.. ii called from 9 to 11.30 lehs.. budd none of my calls wake him up.. LOL~ hmmm.. den slept at 12 last night.. so tiredd today.. went to school aroundd 10 plus.. denn ended at 11.45.. went to inter to meet up with zhixian korkor andd friendds.. after a while,, kevin andd biyingg came to meet up with me.. wasnt feelingg good though.. andd suddenly burst into tears whenn ii was listeningg to zhuan shu tian shi.. WAHAHAS!! probably miss darlingg too much.. dun bother.. ii'm always like dat.. hahas.. at least will be able to see darling tmr.. yeahh!! signingg off lerr.. feelingg very restless.. hahas.. bye~ happy weekendd! I want your love @ 9:27 AM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
my love =) awww.. so boredd..! finish studyingg LSM lerr.. left the script haven edit nia.. darlingg slpingg lehs.. must be tiredd bahhs.. dunno him lahhs.. he not tiredd oso cann slp derr.. LOL~ went to school quite late today.. hahas.. cos slept very very late last night.. if i'm not wrong,, its aroundd 3 plus,, not 4 bahhs.. hahas.. hmmm.. cant get to slp last night.. wasnt angry with him nahhs.. jus feeling a bit down.. hmmm.. not a bit,, budd a lot.. suddenly feel very neglectedd whenn talkingg to him on the fone yesterday night.. so,, decided to hang up.. jus wantedd some time for myself.. andd ii didnt expect him to think so much into it.. cos he soundd tiredd.. so ask him go slp lorr.. who the hell knows he will wry andd do somethingg so unexpectedd silly.. LOL.. budd at least ii know dat he do really care.. shouldd ii be happy or not..? haiyo.. i'll be startingg work this sunday.. andd i'll be working on every sundayy.. so,, ii wont be havingg so much time with him liaos.. thinkk he shouldd be quite happy.. cos he can playy his game.. LOL~ no lahhs.. of cos not.. ii know he wont be enjoyingg too.. cos he'll be able to see me really,, once a week.. OMG! dat's a bit terrible cann? budd no choice lorr.. haiyo~ all right,, think shouldd stop here.. i'm feeling a bit emo now.. hahas.. *~*~*只要我们相信缘份,,爱会永远的发生*~*~* darlingg... 有你的我是辛福的,,我爱你,,真的好爱你... I want your love @ 10:42 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
u're lovedd! hmmm.. back home at aroundd 6.30 todayy.. went to school on time today can? ermmm.. wait.. was late 15 mins lahhs.. budd... ... whatever~~ failedd my LSM test.. ='( budd its okayy.. i'll studyy hardd the next time.. ii know if ii wann to,, ii will..! =p went to look for darlingg jus now.. hahas.. ii thinkk ii wont be able to niit him up until sat lerr.. i'll be busy with my school work.. sometimes feel dat there's always not enuff time with him.. hahas.. budd life is such,, everyone got their own part to play.. work,, studyy andd blah blah blah.. sometimes i'm thinkingg,, wad's the meaningg of LIFE? no matter how hard we work,, got everythingg we wann,, we gotta lie in the coffin one day derr mahhs.. haiss.. ok~ i'm like 17 only,, say until as if i'm already 70.. hahas.. hmmmm.. today's tuesday... ... still got wednesday's morning, afternoon, night.. thursday's morning, afternoon, night.. andd same for friday..!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............... how ii wishh ii cann stick to him 24/7.. hahas.. no lahhs.. we oso must have own privacy derr mahhs.. ii dunn wann where there's a dayy he shoo me off.. WAHAHAS~ darlingg didnt reply my msg lahhs.. too engrossedd to his game liaos.. one day,, i'll ask him to hug his com andd slp.. LOL~ * imagine how much easier it would be for us to learn how to love if we began with a shared definition * ::给我唯一的你:: if uu're willingg,, i'll make uu my last love,, DEFINITELY!! no matter how bad things are,, u'll always see me smilingg. becos ii know,, u're the best thing dat ever happen to me... ~* 诗雅("v")思华 *~ I want your love @ 10:20 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
saggittarius VS scorpio =p AQUARIUS - The One that Waits Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always Wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal.Beautiful. Goofy. Easy to talk to.Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. PISCES - The Addict EXTREMELY adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor.Energetic. Predict future. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want.Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationship. Talkative.Romantic. Caring. LEO - The Coolest one Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, Fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person Ever meet! however not the kind of person you wanna mess with... u might end up crying... GEMINI - The Liar.Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships,Addictive. Loud. CANCER - Does It In The Water.Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser.One of a kind. Loves being In long-term relationships. Extremely energetic. Unpredictable. Will exceedyour expectations. Especially with your mom. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out. ARIES- Irresistible. Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners Very Good in bed... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Trustworthy. Always happy.Loud. Talkative. Outgoing VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE. SAGITTARIUS-The Lion. Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable.Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive.Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. TAURUS- The Cutie. Most Amazing kisser. Very high appeal.Love is one of a kind. Very romantic.Most caring person you will ever meet!Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak. Spontaneous. Great at telling Stories. Not aFighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someoneyou should hold on to. LIBRA - The Partner for Life.Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. High appeal. Has the last word. Good to find, hard to keep. Fun to be around. Extremely weird but in agood way. Good Sense of Humor!!!Thoughtful. Always gets what he or shewants. Loves to joke. Very popular.Silly, fun and sweet. CAPRICORN - The Passionate Lover.Love to bust. Nice. Sassy.Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future.Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to own Geminis' in sports. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart. SCORPIO - Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Lovesto help people in times of need. Goodkisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. One of a kind. Not oneto mess with. Are the most attractivepeople on earth! VIRGO-The Promiscuous. One Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare tofind. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. Not one to mess with.Very pretty. I want your love @ 10:47 AM
oh man! ii have not been blogging these few days.. so busy lahhs.. LOL~ i shall not say wadd ii did on last weekdays.. cos ii oso forget lerr lehs.. P.S: STM~ hmmm.. went to pulau ubin on saturday.. KAOS! they really CMI lahhs.. hahas.. cycle a while only.. haiyo.. plus,, my chew chew dunno how to cycle.. denn kevin like so ke lian.. hahas.. hmmm.. denn we went to have coconut drink.. ii swear the coconut we had on sat is much nicer than e previous one.. left pulau ubin at aroundd 2 plus.. LOL~ went to parkway to makan.. everybody is so hungry lahhs.. especially me and darlingg.. hahas.. wantedd to sing k derr.. budd.. chewchew gotta reach home early mahhs.. so no time.. denn we proceed to pasir ris park,, fisherman village..! one of my fav place at night.. called up shengwei to ask whether he working on dat day or not.. askedd him to findd me a place where is near the sea.. he idiot lahhs..! is not near the sea lahhs.. next time ii shall request for a place on the sea.. hahas.. maybe dat day didnt eat full enuff,, denn drink quite a bit jiu mabok lerr.. hahas.. budd ii still know wad ii doing lahhs.. jus a bit ah siao nia.. LOL! end up,, darlingg was so worry abt me going home myself.. went to miit up with darling on sunday,, which is yesterday bahhs.. nua a while denn proceed to redhill findd his friendd. she drove us to Suntec denn talk to him abt their "da ren stuffs".. hahas.. went to the IT fair,, to look for darling's ex gf.. =.= ii know wadd uu guys wanna ask again.. its totally budd in the endd oso nv see the girl.. its so crowded.. denn the stupid guy of mine,, didnt even ask which booth she will be working at.. went to meet up with kunhua andd his gf for dinner.. surprisingly,, the both of us didnt even have breakfast andd lunch lehs.. hahas.. guess where we went after dinner? LOL! of cos its... lalalasssss~~~~~~~~~~~ sing sing sing!~ andd ii reachedd home at aroundd 12 plus last night.. mummy didnt scold wors..! hahas.. budd must zhi dongg lerr.. wakakas.. went to school real late today.. 10 plus.. denn finish lesson at 12.. hahas.. meimei came to fetch me lehss.. went to cafe 1 andd makan,, went to T.M.. andd lalalas..~ dunn wanna say much lahhs.. so boredd lahhs! his dota,, AGAIN!hmmm.. now talkingg to darlingg on fone lehs.. he playingg haiyo.. gonna have dinner ler.. hungry!!~~ signingg off:: miss miss miss~~~ I want your love @ 10:35 AM
♥That Bitch♥ ![]() ![]() * shiya;yaya;sylvia * * chinese;thai;nonya lady * * 23/10/90 * * scorpio * * 20 this year * * * * love or hate me ; * you decide your fate * ♥yesssss / nooooo♥ `- herLOVES ` * FUN&LAUGHTER * * her precious * * dancingg * * singingg~ * * mahjong-ing * * pink;red;white;black * ♥ hello kitty & BJW ♥ `- herHATES ` * hypocrites * * fu-kers * * being forced / maligned * * heartaches from love * `- herWANTS ` * go TRAVELLING * * my car license * * a room of my own * * hello kitty 's bed sheet * * hello kitty's mahjong tiles * * good digital camera * * new phone * ♥upcoming event♥ * * * * * * ♥ * * * * 12dec - salon appt * ♥ 18dec - Jacq&Josh's ROM ♥ ♥ 24dec - 平安夜 ♥ * 25dec - Merry Christmas! * * 27;28;29dec - KL * ♥ 30dec - 20th ♥ * 31dec - countdown to a Brand New Year! * ♥Speak Your Mind♥ ♥Run-Awayyy♥ ♥♥♥msTAN;RACHEL.t.h.s ♥♥♥peggWIFEY ♥♥♥NJY ;; sist ♥♥♥geraldine~ ♥♥♥Jolene~ ♥♥♥weiqin ;; meimei ♥♥♥sis` sasa ♥♥♥GARYdidi-th-joker ♥♥` xuemeii ♥♥daisyy. ♥♥xiupingg ♥xueryl ♥♥ba0liann ;; nu`er ♥shu.en ♥vanessa ♥yongg xingg ♥glenn jevonne joe.k vincent guan dorothyy~ eLim FORD - maine - huiwenn huizhenn;porkkchopp Janalle; meii jacinta kaiLINGG rox shiweii =p ♥th Sweet & Ugly♥ February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 April 2011 ♥th freaking truth♥ |
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