You and Me ❤,
caught in th Bad Romance
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
hmmm.. finally,, food fair ended.. hahas.. so tiredd today.. have been having nightmares these two nights. OMG!~ my head hurts like hell..! lucky lahhs.. tmr public holiday.. cann rest liaos.. will be meetingg darlingg lo.. =x kaos! feelingg so so so restless now,, jus feel like slpingg.. LOL~ thinkk having slight fever lahhs.. ARGH! WHATEVER!!~~ i'll still be going out tmr.. lalalas~ ::signingg off:: ![]() I want your love @ 7:52 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
lalalas~ went to food fair with serene,, kelvin andd jacqueline last night.. ate so much.! hahas.. we bought chiila crabs,, lobsters,, japanese pizza,, mango spring roll and loads of food.. hahas.. after dat,, kelvin drive us home lo.. hmmm,, didnt go school today.. went to meet darlingg andd acc him all the way at workk.. hahas.. tmr will be the last day of food fair,, andd i'm going again with my mum and dine.. mummy promisedd me to bring me to T.M to buy the pair of heels which ii aimedd for days.. =D hmmm.. will be accompanying darlingg on this coming Thursday.. haiyo! he really look very tired these few days.. KAOS! F it~ hahas.. thinkk he also will be looking forward to Thursday bahhs.. cos he can nua the whole day liaos.. LOL~ hmmm.. we planned to go "pulau barbie" this coming saturdayy.. ii wann eat seafood..! yeah yeah yeah!! darlingg mentionedd dat his friendd wanna meet him on Sundayy lehs.. hahas.. budd he wann it to be near his house.. cos of his pure laziness! LOL~ really cant standd him at times.. haiss.. these few days,, we still ok lahhs. ii manage to kiip to my promise dat i'll look for him whenn ii have got the time.. at least he wont be worryingg abt me even when he's workingg.. budd he today like make me so angryy lahhs.. next time dunn wann let him go drink liaos!!! haiss.. sometimes,, ii oso dunno wadd to do with him.. jus dunn feel like asking so much abt his stuffs.. WHATEVER~! jus cant be botheredd.. cos ii always believe dat if he wann to sayy,, he will,, without me askingg.. *many words are often left unspoken* I want your love @ 10:03 PM
i'm missing uu so much. =( hmmm.. have not been blogging these few days.. went out with janalle on friday.. meet her up at BG derr back gate.. denn she acc me home to bathe, change andd everythingg.. denn after,, ii acc her back home too.. went to redhill tomeet darlingg up.. went to have lunch at aroundd 4 plus,, denn proceed to Singapore Expo to hunt for food.. hahas! my fav lahhs.. budd things there were rather expensive.. haiss.. darlingg was there.. delicious food were there.. budd ii jus cant bring myself to smile andd everythingg.. after which,, its time to go home lerr.. darlingg came out to look for us,, smoke! hahas.. ii was like asking him not to go back work lahhs.. like so xiao hai zii.. haiyo.. budd ii really miss him loads.. hope he knows dat.. =( denn yesterday,, which is saturdayy.. meet up with,, chewlingg,, kevin, xiaodi,, janalle,, lester,, andd cheeho (birthday boy).. to food fair again.. jus no appetite lahhs.. didnt eat much though.. darlingg came out to smoke,, twice.. hahas.. whenn ii jus stepped into the hall,, andd whenn ii'm going off.. his hugg makes me feel dat,, everythingg in this world doesnt matter me anymore.. his kiss makes me feel dat,, no matter how bad thinggs are,, ii still have him.. he's jus like myy guardian angel.. =p denn went to celebrate cheeho's birthday.. biyingg meimei,, ray andd sky came to meet us up.. drink quite abit.. haiss.. ii was listening to zhuan shu tian shi all the way lahhs.. imagine how much ii'm missingg him..? hahas.. budd darlingg was a bit pissed off whenn he know dat ii drinkk.. haiss.. so sorry,, baby.. ii know uu were worriedd abt me.. andd ii promisedd him not to make him angry again.. =p slept at 8 plus last night.. hahas.. whenever ii drinkk,, ii jus niid some place to sleep.. LOL. denn woke up at 8 plus in the morningg,, met up with Qihan for breakfast,, now with biyingg,, tianxiangg, and qihan in Xgamingg,, playingg com.. hahas.. cos these few days whenn ii reachedd home,, my bro is alreadyy at home. haiyoo.. plus no mood to do anythingg lo.. haiss.. all right,, ii thinkk i'll stop here.. i'll be going to food fair,, AGAIN! with serene.. P.S:: is not ii jio them derr lo.. LOL..~ -*-*-to e world,, uu may be jus one person.. budd to me,, u're the worldd.. -*-*- I want your love @ 3:40 AM
Friday, May 25, 2007
ii jus dunno wadd should ii do lahhs.. i'm so pissed by EVERYONE~!! ii dunn wishh to mention names,, cos ii know if ii do.. there'll gonna be a long long list.. hell lahhs.. i'm so tiredd.. budd still tryingg to smile andd everythingg.. ii jus dunno wadd the fu*k should ii do..! ii jus fu*kingg hate my bloody life now.. couples doesnt niid to stick togather for 24/7,, wadd they niid is jus more care, more understandingg and more love.. understandd people?!~ I want your love @ 11:43 AM
![]() HAI!~ manage to slp only at 4 plus last night.. andd its only half past 8 in the morning now. was talking to darlingg last night until 10 plus,, ii thinkk.. andd he said dat he wanna go slp.. so,, we hungg up.. ii waitedd until 12 sharp and there's wasnt any msg or call from him,, so ii jus off my phone.. cos ii was told dat if he'll give me a msg if he cant slp.. bud... ... forget it.. ii dunn wishh to memtion.. wasnt feeling good yesterday.. partly of my PMS, ii know.. switch off my phone,, starredd blankly at the ceiling,, again.. andd somehow,, ii can feel tears in my eyes.. decided to get out of my bed,, andd get a book to read.. after a while,, ii starred into thin air.. AGAIN! budd at least this time roundd, ii know wadd's on my mindd.. GRR!~ as usual.. tears rolling down my cheeks.. andd it seems dat ii cant stop myself from cryingg.. thinkk the nerves dat's connectingg from my brain to my eyes is damage.. andd somehow,, ii know ii jus cant take it anymore.. ii jus let it out,, for good.. hahas.. this explains why my eyes are so painful and look a lil swollen today.. haiss.. how am ii going to survive this weekendd?!?!~~ arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... without uu,, i'm jus like a empty shell.. no feelingg, no love, no smile, nothing.. = zombie! hahas.. all right.. ii thinkk ii shall end here.. i'm going to get ready.. meeting jolin at bedok inter for breakfast cum lunch denn to school.. suddenly feel like seeing darlingg.. budd... hai~ F the school lahhs.! regret not going into Replublic Poly! GRRRR~~ if not,, meetingg him everyday, wont be a problem already lahhs.. *cooling down* LOL~ see uu guys tonight. Loves. ``_There is no remedy for love budd to love more_`` I want your love @ 1:16 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
went to miit up with darling yesterdayy.. before that,, went to The Heeren, in Sommerset,, to buy xJapan's cd for him.. dunn ask me whyy.. ii jus feel like getting for him.. LOL~ denn accompany him to workk lo.. when he was workingg at sembawangg's outlet.. ii went up to the Popular to browse some books.. andd came across this book which talks about relationship,, think its for lady derr.. ii forgot the title of the book lerr lehs.. SHIT! *p:s :: STM* whenn ii was flipping thru, the few front pages,, ii saw a phrase which really soundds soooooo meaningful.. hahas.. it goes like this.. WARNING:: pls dun think dirty,, its jus parts andd parcel of life.. -- the time to have sex isn't whenn uu feel he might slip away,, budd its whenn uu know he never will -- ii hope ladies who's reading this,, pls kiip it in your mind.. its very very true.. bcos ii've friends who really does stuffs like... hmmm.. uu know?~ jus not to let the bloody guy of "yours" leave uu.. if uu are one,, jus WAKE UP! haiyo.. enuf enuf~ hahas.. i'm startingg to behave like some counsellor or whatever shit.. hmmm.. now having office lesson.. boredd.. guys in my class playing CS.. the teacher dun even care.. hahas.. so,, now jus continue to write my blogg.. dat idiot came back whenn ii was halfway thru last night.. jus dunn feel like seeingg his face.. HAISS~ two person,, livingg in different endd of singapore.. though its jus a small dot,, budd the distance is still unmeasurable.. he said this before: its not e distance that matters,, as long as our hearts are together,, nothingg will be too far for us.. its seems dat ii've rememberedd every single thingg he've saidd.. hahas.. although there's really times whenn ii'm really feel so tiredd,, budd ii jus dunn wann one of us to feel neglectedd or whatever shit dat will cause us anyy problem.. =)) this is wadd ii'm trying to maintain.. andd ii know,, maybe.. this is the only thingg ii can do or so call "commitment" in this relationship.. bcos ii know,, ii've never ever done dat before.. wahahas..~ budd there's times whenn ii'm like a little girl to him,, ii know... ... budd no matter wadd,, no words cann ever describe this deep deep love for him.. ii jus dunn like e feelingg whenn he's not with me.. like so insecure.. sometimes ii can jus stare at the ceilingg, imagining stuffs dat ii dunn even wann dat to ever happen in my life.. it soundds so stupidd.. ii feel dat too.. LOL~ there's time whenn ii jus feel like... ... hai! am ii like... important to him? hahas.. actually wanna go findd darlingg today derr.. budd ii'm having myy "every month thingyy".. feeling so restless.. andd ii promisedd myself,, not to slack anymore lerr lahhs.. ii gotta kiip to my promise!!! GRRR!! LOL! ii know ii cann derr.. yesterday had my LSM test.. ii dunn thinkk ii cann make it thru lahhs.. my god! jus give me a pass.. denn i'll be very happy lerr.. cos if ii really do,, its a miracle cann? LOL! all right,, ii thinkk ii must endd here lerr.. going for LSM lesson soon.. budd ii dunn thinkk we would be able to take back our paper dat fast.. hahas.. hope it wont be todayy..! hmmm.. ii didnt manage to publish jus now,, in class.. cos the section head suddenly wak in,, andd we 're supposedd to be doing our project.. finish school early today.. darling's slpingg.. gotta wake him up aroundd 8 later.. until now,, still haven bathe.. was watchingg tv.. andd manage to touch the com only when dat idiot went out.. its already 7 plus now.. going to have my bath andd dinner.. hmmm.. thinkk ii should be going.. hope ii would be able to play my maple later on.. so,, pray dat myy bro wont come home so early lo..=p ![]() 只要你一个眼神肯定,, 我的爱就有意义.. 如果我的坚强任性,,会不小心伤害了你.. 你能不能温柔提醒,,我虽然心太急,, 更害怕错过你.. *~*~968.273.69.663.263.6659~*~* I want your love @ 10:13 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
LOL~ people say this:: When a guy is quiet and is alone, he's thinking how good you' are.. (not really lorr.. cos my guy will tend to fall aslp.) When a guy is lying on his bed, he's thinking deeply why he loves you.( NO!! my guy will fall aslp in less than a min.) When a guy looks at your in your eyes, he wants to tell you how much he loves you and how important you are. (its hard lahhs,, i'm so much shorter than him.) When a guy answers "I'm Fine" after awhile, he's not and feels hurts. (why? ii dun think he'll lie to me. LOL~) When a guy keep asking you the same question, he's wondering why you are lying. (no lehs,, usually he's jus playing a fool.. cos he knows i'll tell him EVERYTHING.) =p When a guy hugs you while sleeping, he's wishing that you belongs to him forever. (oh? ii tot he treats me like a boster?) hahas. jking~ When a guy calls you everyday, he's missing you and wants your attention. (rubbish~! he jus wanna ask where ii am.) =D When a guy wants to see you everyday, he cares for you and want to knw how are you today. (another rubbish! we're supposedd to miit up.) LOL! When a guy sms u everyday, he wants you to know he is fine. (no lehs! we're usedd to smsingg each other.) When a guy says I love you, he really means it. (h? iszit? denn why so many people break up?) =.= When a guy says that he can't live without you, he has made up his mind that you are his future wife. (LAME! denn most of the guys must have quite a number of wives already.) When a guy says "I Miss You", he wants to see you immeditely. (STUPID! he can always take taxi over derr lorr.) lalalas~ conclusion:: all these are RUBBISH! hahas. ok. i'm jus boredd okies? cos my guy is eatingg.. hahas.. all right.. signingg off** ![]() editted by my baobeii da nu'er~ melonn Loves. I want your love @ 9:26 PM
haiss~ so boredd now.. korkor went to buy dinner.. sneak to use com a while.. dunno wadd he doing lehs.. hope he's not slping,, AGAIN! hahas haiss! study till my head wanna bao za lerr lahhs.. yuan lai wanna be a guai kia is so difficult.. kaos! budd bo bian lo.. suddenly feeling so helpless.. sometimes,, ii really feel dat ii dunn really know him.. dunno wad's he thinkingg.. dunno wad he wann.. andd dunno wad he sees in me.. the first time lacking of confidence.. haiss.. budd whatever it is,, ii know i'm willing to change for the good,, for him.. =) darling darling.. hao xiang nii o.. haiyo.. sometimes,, ii like baby lahhs.. TAO YAN~! so many things have been happeningg.. haiyo.. like breaking down lerr lahhs.. biyingg and eric have some misunderstandingg,, cos of me? haiss.. sometimes,, i'm jus trying to protect her.. budd... ... maybe,, ii should have done somethingg dat will lead her to the right track, instead of trying to help her to cover everythingg dat she've done wrong.. haiss.. ii really dunno wadd to do lorr.. haiyo.. haiss,, dunn wanna talk abt it lerr.. darlingg,, wo ye hao aii nii wors.. i'll try my very best to bian guai derr cos i'm oso waitingg wors~ ii wann to grow grow grow~~ =p I want your love @ 5:53 PM
hmmm.. went to look for darling this morningg.. so angry lahhs.. he msgedd mi saying dat he wake up lerr,, denn went back to slp again.. =.= budd manage to wake up in the end,, or else.. wahahahas! hmmm.. budd he now slpingg again lahhs.. ii haven reached home,, jiu fall aslp liaos.. MY GOD! he seems to love his bed more than me hor? LOL! if he sees this, he'll kill me for sure.. hahas.. haiyo.. thinkk he drank alot yesterday bahhs.. got quite a bad hangover today.. budd he deserve it! lalalas~~ no lahhs.. jus joking.. so bad of me.. hahas.. =D suddenly stomach area a bit pain.. feeling quite uncomfortable.. haiss.. nua the whole day with him again.. hahas.. after lunch, both of us slept a while.. ii wanted to go off at aroundd 4 plus derr.. budd.. hmmm.. ya.. in the endd fell aslp lorr.. (feeling so stupidd abt it..) *inside joke* LOL! denn after dat,, jus continue nua-ingg.. P.S :: we're nua-sters cann? LOL~ nth much today.. budd ii know both of us today,, abit stupid lahhs.. hahas he look so stupidd in some of the photos we took today.. should upload it up one day.. hahas.. all right,, ii should go andd have my bath already.. haven bathe wors.. LOL!~ ^^ he whisperedd somethingg sweet in my ears ^^ I want your love @ 2:17 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
missing euu.. <3 hmmm.. so boredd.. suddenly so emo.. staredd at the com,, duno wadd to do.. feeling so irritatedd.. to those guys talking to mi in msn.. jus repliedd wadd they ask, to show them i'm not interested to tok to them lahhs.. LOL.! missing hubbi loads nahhs.. he went to boat quay.. budd called mi jus now to tell mi dat he's going for supper.. until now.. =)) hmm.. went over to look for darlingg this morningg, denn meet chewlingg andd melodyy at orchardd.. MY GOD! suddenly pop up to call mi "mummy".. denn ii wu yuan wu gu got daughters lerr lo.. hahas.. P.S :: they call darlingg,, "DADDY" .. LOL!!! went to eat,, denn went to party world for k-session.. lalalas! my poor darlingg,, he foundd x-Japen's songgs,, budd wasnt enuf time for him to even listen to them.. hahas.. hmmm.. denn melody andd chewlingg,, like so cute lahhs.. hahas.. hard to explain.. simplyy,, we're havingg funn..! even darlingg feels dat too lahhs.. =p hmmm. feel like msgingg him lahhs. budd dunn wann him to feel so uneasy when he's outside with his friendd.. so,,, better for him to msg mi first.. =x hahas.. all right.. i'm going to play maple liaos.. hehes.. editted 2 photos yesterdayy.. so nice~~~ lalala! ![]() * his girL * your love;;my future. ::signingg off:: I want your love @ 12:21 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
LOST! suddenly lost for words.. haiss~ I want your love @ 3:10 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
我爱你~ boredd boredd boredd..! now toking to darlingg.. hahas. hmmm.. couples aroundd mi have been having problems.. *scared-ed* =/ hope me andd him wont have any.. =)) hmmm... darling like so cute lahhs.. ii know he missed mi like fuck.. lalalas~ actually,, mi too.. >.< tmr cann see hm liaos~~ yeahh!!! 说一千遍我爱你,,也都还不够 就这样不贪心,,我慢慢地走 只要有你陪着我,,再苦我能承受.. I want your love @ 11:35 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
ii lurbe euu <3 hmmm.. have been days since ii update hor? hehes.. went to findd darlingg for lunch yeaterdayy.. hmmm.. a joke to laugh till pengg.. yesterday,, meimei was with mi in the mrt.. denn an indian old man was sitting beside her.. he fell aslp denn like kiip lying towards her.. denn she like siam lahhs.. hahas.. her reaction was so funny.. LOL! she usedd my phone,, on techno andd put beside the guy's ear.. hahas.. IT WAS SO FUNNY!!! hahas.. ii laugh till pengg.. hahas.. okok.. back to my life.. this sat andd sun will be with him .. budd,, haiyo.. next week jiu must findd my own programme liaos.. darlingg going to work at food fair.. budd hengg arhhs.. its at expo.. at least cann go findd him.. ii know i'm gonna miss him loads.. haiyo.. this sat he coming down bedok.. going kampong chai chee for k-session.. hahas.. with biying andd group.. lalalas~~ ii jus love him dat much.. ~*[我们是幸福的]*~ I want your love @ 7:26 PM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
ok~ ii'm in a super-duper sweet mood now.. ii niid somebody to give mi a knock on my head to stop my craziness lahhs.. hahas.. jus finish bathing.. ii even bathe cold water to cool myself down.. budd it doesnt seems to work.. NOTE: SHIYA DUNN BATHE COLD WATER CAN? plus its at night somemore.. OMG!~ let mi tell uu why? cos today is 13th.. dun wry.. Mother's Day is none of my business.. bleahs! its my 2nd month with darling.. people aroundd mi will know.. its normal to go crazy on this type of day.. lalalas~~ hmmm.. ii jus realisedd.. couples do not niid to go to those super ex restaurant for dinner.. do those super romantic stuffs which costs a bomb and etc to have a wonderful relationship.. lalalas~~ ii got my reason for saying these.. ok~ ii shouldnt continue.. cos ii know if ii do,, i wont be able to slp tonight.. if uu guys understandd, denn good for uu.. if not,, den continue to spendd all ur money uu wann.. =p I want your love @ 10:15 PM
Saturday, May 05, 2007
thnx for everything hmmm.. its 11:50pm now.. jus had my bath.. longgggggg day for mi.. manage to slp onli at 3 plus 4 last night.. denn woke up at 8 plus.. *TIRED* !!! went to look for darling at around 9 plus.. den went jp buy his "breakfast" for him nahhs.. ermm. by dat time, its already like 11..? LOL hmm.. den stay at home nua lo.. no lahhs.. watch tv consider nua or not..? hahas.. denn dat lazy bum drag until 2 plus denn go bathe.. GRR! denn went to findd junling and esther a while, head to causeway point.. so sad lahhs.. ii miss my 200 pounds of beauty again! if i'm not wrong, the show starts at 3:20.. budd by the time we reached, its 3:40 lerr. so.. hahas.. ii want to complain lahhs.. how come such a nice show, only 1 time slot??!!!! GRRRR!!~ den we went to mum mum.. den head back to see the spiderman3 derr slots.. hahas.. all the seats left there like shit lahhs.. all first few rows derr.. so, decided not to watch.. denn at last, head to suntec.. hahas.. its a nice place lahhs.. budd one thing ii hate there issh the city link.. so longg..!! LOL~ hmmm.. went to k-box again.. lalalas~~ we jus love singing.. cant blame us lahhs.. uu know?!~ hahas.. the crazy guy of mine, went hyper lahhs.. so do ii.. =p ii dun wish to go into details lerr lahhs.. there's so much things to talk abt.. LOL~ went to had our dinner. den ii head back home.. LOOK~! me going home only.. he went raffles.. with one of his friends, to drink. =( if ii can go, ii sure go derr lahhs.. hahas.. all right. ii think its time to end ler.. P.S: my back still hurts can? hahas.. time to have a rest.. although its tired and long day for mi.. budd ii jus enjoy every moment with him.. cos ii know, with him aroundd, everything's right.. _+_+if loving uu is wrong, my heart jus wont let mi go right+_+_ I want your love @ 11:47 PM
how do ii live without uu?~ back from work ler.. hais.. its 11:28 pm now.. so boredd.. darling orh orh lerr.. choose not to work tmr.. partly cos ii've sprainedd my back while carrying the super duper heavy stuffs during work.. POOR BAOBEI~~ denn the manager still so stupid lorr.. say wadd, its ok derr.. cos i'm young.. wadd the hell lahhs.. so idiotic.. anyways.. ii went to look for darling in the afternoon, at yew tee.. pei him mum mum.. lalalas.. with 3 crazy girls.. hahas.. clarissa, kengyee and the miss biying.. hahas.. they're so hyper lahhs.. ZZZ! hmmm.. think he's still soundly aslp bahss.. miss him loads nahhs.. budd will be meeting him tmr. =) all right! shall end here.. going slp lerr.. =p I want your love @ 11:45 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
especially for my hubbi~ <3 oh yea, baby! ii jus love uu as much andd uu know huh? u're jus the reason why i'm on this Earth, breathing and living.. andd i've been looking for it long long time ago.. =) ii know u'll be the only one whu will bring happiness upon me.. you jus made mi believe in myself once again.. 4.5878.2268.7867.568464.968 your promise, my motivation!~ I want your love @ 1:12 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
why why why?~ Everyone knows dat time flies.. Browsing thru photos.. sometimes, really wonders if we can turn back the time.. Like WINGS used to be. Like how simple my life used to be. Haiss.. Andd ii do really wonder, why things can come and go so quickly? Sometimes, without our notice… Growing up thru lessons,, I’ve learn how to treasure,, and sometimes letting go, for good.. Wadd have ii not been thru? Hmmm.. ii cant think of any actually.. And and and,, sometimes ii’m wondering.. Whyy would ii wann to know the truth when ii know dat it’s the most hurtful stuff on earth.. Yeah! I’m right.. the truth always hurts.. Hmmm.. the lesson I’m having now.. “Controlling of my temper” lalalas.. Ok~ wadeva.~ ii know.. my temper is super bad.. haiss.. Budd sometimes,, ppl who are dear to me, can affect it easily.. And seriously,, if I dun love them,, ii wont get affect by them nahhs.. Right right right?!! And the most irritating stuff is.. they jus cant be bothered!! (GRRR~~!!) BLOODY HELL!~ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………………… Ok~ enuff of my nonsense.. Honestly, there’s times where ii jus wanna find a lil corner, and cry my heart out.. Hmmm,, like now? Hahas.. I dunno why oso.. haiss.. Forget it.. There’s really times when I niid uu, budd uu aren’t there.. Haiss.!~ 也许会 笑着哭 但那人是你 所以不怕苦 I want your love @ 7:47 PM
so angry!~ now having office lesson in school.. finished my work lerr lahhs.. so bored.. miss my darling so much.. 1 more day to go, tmr.. >.< denn will be able to see darling liaos.. hahas.. realised i have not been blogging these few days? cos my house derr internet down lahhs.. so angry!~ GRRR~! cannt play maple somemore.. think i'll be stuck at the pathetic level 40 again lahhs.. so irritating lahhs.. ii wann faster lvl lvl derr neiis.. hmmm.. today study until 5 pm.. later meimei will be coming to fetch mi when ii finish school.. hahas.. how come is her sehs? LOL.. budd she's still sweet lahhs.. tmr will be a long day for mi.. cos finishing school at 12.. denn evening time, will be working lerr lo.. ii rather kip myself busy than free.. denn jiu bu hui miss him liaos.. will go crazy derr lehs.. hahas.. feeling a bit hungry liaos.. bored! all right.. ii think i'll end here.. going to start another assignment liaos.. Loves.. I want your love @ 3:38 PM
♥That Bitch♥ ![]() ![]() * shiya;yaya;sylvia * * chinese;thai;nonya lady * * 23/10/90 * * scorpio * * 20 this year * * * * love or hate me ; * you decide your fate * ♥yesssss / nooooo♥ `- herLOVES ` * FUN&LAUGHTER * * her precious * * dancingg * * singingg~ * * mahjong-ing * * pink;red;white;black * ♥ hello kitty & BJW ♥ `- herHATES ` * hypocrites * * fu-kers * * being forced / maligned * * heartaches from love * `- herWANTS ` * go TRAVELLING * * my car license * * a room of my own * * hello kitty 's bed sheet * * hello kitty's mahjong tiles * * good digital camera * * new phone * ♥upcoming event♥ * * * * * * ♥ * * * * 12dec - salon appt * ♥ 18dec - Jacq&Josh's ROM ♥ ♥ 24dec - 平安夜 ♥ * 25dec - Merry Christmas! * * 27;28;29dec - KL * ♥ 30dec - 20th ♥ * 31dec - countdown to a Brand New Year! * ♥Speak Your Mind♥ ♥Run-Awayyy♥ ♥♥♥msTAN;RACHEL.t.h.s ♥♥♥peggWIFEY ♥♥♥NJY ;; sist ♥♥♥geraldine~ ♥♥♥Jolene~ ♥♥♥weiqin ;; meimei ♥♥♥sis` sasa ♥♥♥GARYdidi-th-joker ♥♥` xuemeii ♥♥daisyy. ♥♥xiupingg ♥xueryl ♥♥ba0liann ;; nu`er ♥shu.en ♥vanessa ♥yongg xingg ♥glenn jevonne joe.k vincent guan dorothyy~ eLim FORD - maine - huiwenn huizhenn;porkkchopp Janalle; meii jacinta kaiLINGG rox shiweii =p ♥th Sweet & Ugly♥ February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 April 2011 ♥th freaking truth♥ |
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